DJ / ProducerFellsius
2017年にTREKKIE TRAXより「Fellsius – Boss House」でデビュー、直後にSkrillex主催のダンスミュージックメディア「NEST HQ」に取り上げられるなど、初期から大きな注目を集めていた。
その後同レーベルより多数のシングル、EPをリリースし、自身のテーマである「アブストラクト×ダンスミュージック」という新しい音楽体験の提供を目指し制作を行っている。2021年3月にリリースされた3rd EP「Journey」ではその実験的な音楽性が高く評価され、常田大希が主宰する映像クリエイターチーム
また国外では、A-Trakが主宰をする「Fool’s Gold」やフランスを拠点にするBASS HOUSEの名門レーベル「Gold Digger Records」、LAの気鋭ベースミュージックレーベル「DOMEOFDOOM」などの海外レーベルからも多数楽曲をリリースしている。中でも、ワールドワイドに展開するベースミュージックチーム「Hybrid Trap」からリリースされた「Fellsius – 30hz」は、そのキャッチ―さや異質さからyoutubeにて140万回再生を突破し、海外にて大きな話題となった。リリースされた楽曲はAlison Wonderland, Afrojack, Anna Lunoe, A-Trak, Boombox Cartel, Jauz, Zeds Deadといった第一線で活躍するDJからもサポートを受けている。
Fellsius is a Tokyo-based producer from Kawasaki, Japan, one of the suburbs of Tokyo.
He made his debut in 2017 with “Fellsius – Boss House” on TREKKIE TRAX, his home label, and soon after the release was featured on “NEST HQ”, a music blog hosted by Skrillex’s OWSLA.
Fellsius has released singles and EPs to provide a new musical experience based on his own theme of abstract x dance music. In March 2021, his third EP “Journey EP” was released on TREKKIE TRAX and it was highly praised for its experimental sound, and was tied up in the “METRONOME® 2021 collection “Kiss The Future” official brand movie” created by the video creator team
Fellsius has also released many songs on multiple labels such as “Fool’s Gold,” which is led by A-Trak, “Gold Digger Records,” a prestigious bass house label based in France, and “DOMEOFDOOM,” a bass music label in Los Angeles, USA. While releasing his music from those labels, “Fellsius – 30hz” was released by the worldwide bass music team “Hybrid Trap” and it has become a big topic within the world’s bass music community as it gains 1.4 million views on youtube due to its catchiness and uniqueness. So far, his productions have been supported by the leading DJs such as Alison Wonderland, Afrojack, Anna Lunoe, A-Trak, Boombox Cartel, Jauz, Zeds Dead, and more.
Fellsius has performed at music events using only his own music. His distinctive soundscape is brought out to the fullest by the sound systems of clubs and live music venues, and is highly acclaimed as a new musical experience. He also performed at a virtual festival held in VR world as a part of the Venice International Film Festival program.
Fellsius works on the artwork and visual movies that match the world view of his music, for almost all of his releases as well.